The Integral Role of Design in Marketing


Understanding Design

According to Forbes, a staggering 76% of purchasing decisions are based solely on the customer’s perception of a brand. In the past, it was enough to create a functional product or website, but today’s competition is exceptionally fierce. Having a quality product or service is now a given, so companies strive to stand out through exceptional design. The higher the competition, the higher the quality of design needs to be.
But what exactly design is?
Design is much more than logos, colors, typography, and visual style. It’s an integral component of any product or service that elicits an emotional response from the user.

To highlight the importance of design, consider a fact from the Nielsen Norman Group: it takes a user just 50 milliseconds to form an impression of a website. The Nielsen Norman Group, founded by Jakob Nielsen and Don Norman, is a global leader in research on the quality and usability of digital products. Don Norman is renowned for his bestselling books, including “The Design of Everyday Things” and “Emotional Design.”

A user needs only 50 milliseconds to assess a website after landing on it.

The Evolution of Web Design

Take a look at a screenshot of Apple’s first online store. It’s immediately clear that this website was created over 20 years ago. Fortunately, progress hasn’t stood still, and modern websites now boast far more attractive appearances and functionalities.
The evolution of Apple’s online store highlights the rapid advancements in web design. What was once considered cutting-edge now appears outdated. This evolution is driven by users’ ever-increasing demands for seamless, aesthetically pleasing, and user-friendly digital experiences.

Design as a Competitive Advantage

In today’s saturated market, design has become a key differentiator. A well-designed product or service can capture attention, create an emotional connection, and build brand loyalty. For instance, consider the minimalist yet functional design of Apple’s products. Their design philosophy not only enhances user experience but also reinforces their brand identity, making their products instantly recognizable and desirable.
The importance of design goes beyond aesthetics; it includes user experience (UX) design, which focuses on making products easy and enjoyable to use. Good UX design reduces friction, enhances usability, and leads to higher customer satisfaction and retention. This is especially crucial in digital products, where competition is just a click away.

Airbnb Case Study: Transforming Travel and Hospitality

Airbnb was founded in August 2008 by Brian Chesky, Joe Gebbia, and Nathan Blecharczyk. The idea was born out of necessity when Chesky and Gebbia couldn’t afford their San Francisco apartment rent. They decided to rent out air mattresses in their living room to conference attendees and offer them breakfast. This simple concept of “Air Bed and Breakfast” quickly evolved into a global phenomenon.
One of the key factors in Airbnb’s success is its emphasis on design and user experience. When Airbnb revamped its website and mobile app, the focus was not just on aesthetics but also on creating an intuitive and seamless user experience. The redesign included features such as high-quality photos, detailed property descriptions, and easy navigation, making it easier for users to find and book accommodations.
This user-centric design approach played a significant role in transforming Airbnb from a startup into a global travel giant. The intuitive design made it easier for users to navigate, find listings, and complete bookings, leading to increased user engagement and satisfaction.


Design is a cornerstone of marketing that profoundly shapes brand perception and consumer behavior. As competition grows fiercer, exceptional design will increasingly differentiate successful brands. Leveraging design as a strategic asset not only enhances products and services but also forges stronger emotional connections with customers, driving business success. It’s crucial to recognize that UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience) design are intrinsically linked. They must be developed in tandem to achieve the seamless, compelling designs that resonate with users.