Exploring Types of Websites: Choosing the Right Path for Your Online Presence

Web Development

Three types of websites

I won’t take up your time discussing the importance of a website for your business. I believe it’s well-known to anyone who has dealt with web development at least once.
Instead, I’d like to share valuable insights on how to choose the optimal path for creating a website that meets your needs and financial capabilities.
Externally, it’s challenging to distinguish what a website is made of.
However, one site may land on the first page of Google search results, while another, almost identical one, may be buried on the 20th page.
Why does this happen? It all depends on the number of technical errors in the code and adherence to search engine rules. The most popular search engine, as we all know, is Google.
So, the better constructed a website is and the fewer technical errors it has, the higher the likelihood of a high ranking in search engines.
There are three main options for building websites: using website builders, CMS platforms, or writing custom code, known as a custom-coded website.
Let’s delve into these options in more detail.

Website Builders

Website builders are tools that allow you to create websites using ready-made templates. Some popular website builders include Tilda and Wix. Typically, they have an intuitive interface, enabling even non-programmers to create websites.


  1. Ease of Use: The intuitive interface allows for quick learning, even for non-specialists.
  2. Speed of Development: With ready-made templates, you can swiftly create and launch a website.
  3. Cost: Using website builders is usually cost-effective.
  4. Specialized Features: Some builders offer templates and functionalities tailored to various businesses, such as restaurants, real estate, or legal services.


  1. Limitations: Website builders have limited capabilities compared to other methods of website creation.
  2. Platform Dependency: You’re limited to the functionality provided by the builder. Implementing custom requirements may be challenging.
  3. Technical Errors: Many technical errors in builders arise due to limited code control, leading to unnecessary code parts and errors.
  4. Browser Loading Speed: Due to limited access and unnecessary code parts, improving loading speed may be challenging.
  5. SEO Optimization and Accessibility Issues: Builders may have limitations in implementing crucial SEO optimization and accessibility standards required by search engines.

Overall, website builders are excellent for small businesses, personal portfolios, brochure websites, or any web projects where speed of development and ease of use are crucial.

CMS (Content Management System)

CMS (Content Management System) stands as the most popular option, offering a significantly more functional approach compared to website builders. Notable CMS platforms include Shopify, Magento, and the most widely used, WordPress, which commands a whopping 43% market share of all created websites.

Five years ago, WordPress had a share of 32.7% among the top 10 million most visited sites on the internet. Since then, this number has grown to 43%, raising WordPress head and shoulders above its competition.


  1. Flexibility: WordPress boasts an extensive range of settings, allowing for the integration of almost any website functionality through plugins (additional settings).
  2. Relevance: The WordPress platform undergoes frequent and timely updates to ensure relevance and alignment with modern needs. These updates not only expand functional capabilities but also maintain data security standards.
  3. SEO Optimization, Accessibility, and Loading Speed: In comparison to website builders, WordPress excels in these areas. However, when compared to custom-coded websites, there might be limitations in optimization and loading speed due to inherent constraints.
  4. Abundance of Experts and Community Support: Given WordPress’s status as one of the world’s most popular website creation platforms, there’s a vast pool of experienced professionals available in the market. This also means access to a large user community, ensuring quick resolutions to queries.


  1. Increased Vulnerability: Due to its popularity, WordPress may be more susceptible to hacker attacks. Therefore, dedicated attention to security measures is crucial.
  2. Maintenance and Configuration Costs: Continuous and preferably professional support is necessary for WordPress sites. Regular scanning for technical errors and prompt resolution is essential. Additionally, keeping track of plugin updates, which might not always enhance performance, can be challenging.
  3. Dependency on Plugin Developers: Plugin developers may discontinue support for their products at any time, leading to functionality issues and security vulnerabilities.
  4. Limitations: Despite its vast plugin library, WordPress is still constrained compared to custom-coded websites, as some complex functions may require coding.

WordPress is ideally suited for blogs, news websites, certain types of e-commerce sites, and corporate websites where flexibility and scalability are paramount.

Custom-Coded Websites

A custom-coded website transcends platforms, requiring specialists proficient in programming languages to craft a tailored online presence. Typically, this involves a team of developers rather than a solitary individual.


  1. Full Control Over Functionality: With custom-coded websites, developers wield complete control over every aspect of development. This enables the creation of precisely what is needed without any constraints inherent in website builders or CMS platforms.
  2. Uniqueness: Custom-coded websites offer the freedom to craft any unique design and functionality that aligns with specific needs and brand identity.
  3. High Speed, SEO Optimization, and Accessibility: The absence of limitations allows for optimization geared towards maximum page loading speed, harnessing the full potential of SEO, and ensuring compliance with accessibility standards.
  4. Enhanced Security: The collaborative effort of a development team results in a higher level of security, addressing potential threats and vulnerabilities comprehensively.


  1. Time and Cost Intensive: Developing a custom-coded website is a time-consuming process. What can be accomplished within days using website builders may take months in this scenario. Similarly, the costs associated with custom-coded websites can be tens of times higher than those created using WordPress, not to mention website builders.
  2. Skill Requirements: Proficient programming skills are imperative for both development and maintenance of custom-coded websites. Moreover, experience plays a crucial role, as only through practice can developers master nuances and effective problem-solving methods.
  3. Team Dependency: The complexity of creating and maintaining custom-coded websites often necessitates a team of developers, given the multifaceted nature of the process. A single specialist well-versed in all aspects is a rarity.
  4. Dependency on Initial Development Team’s Technology: Specific technologies or approaches used during initial development may lead to dependence on the knowledge and experience of the original development team. Consequently, transitioning to a new team can pose challenges, as it requires time for familiarization with the codebase and its architecture.

Custom-coded websites are ideally suited for large-scale corporate web projects where unique functionality and full control over the site are paramount.


Each option has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice depends on factors such as budget, technical expertise, scalability, and customization requirements.
Selecting the right approach to building your website is crucial for its success in terms of functionality, usability, and search engine visibility. Understanding the different types of websites and their implications will help you make an informed decision that aligns with your goals and resources.
At Mcat Agency, we prioritize the use of WordPress CMS due to its versatility and extensive plugin ecosystem, which empowers clients with user-friendly content management capabilities. However, for bespoke projects where specific needs cannot be met within the confines of pre-existing solutions, we proudly offer custom coding services to tailor solutions precisely to our clients’ requirements.